Am I entitled to be reimbursed for the damage to my car or property?

Every car in New York is required to be insured for at least $10,000 in property damage insurance. If you have comprehensive insurance including coverage for your own property damage, then you can put the claim into your own insurance company. Learn more about claim submission for property damage.

How much is my case worth?

It is very difficult for an attorney to give you an reliable estimate of the value of your case soon after the accident. Typically, we need more information to give you a true value of your case. Read about these factors.

What is my deadline to make a claim?

This all depends on what type of claim you have. For basic negligence cases (accident cases against private entities), the statute of limitations is 3 years. For cases against the City of New York and other public municipalities, the statute of limitations is generally 1 year and 90 days. However, there are other deadlines that you must be aware of.

Will my case settle in court or out of court and how long will it take?

All of our cases start “out of court”, meaning that we may attempt to settle them without filing a lawsuit. In fact, many of our cases settle within 6-8 months of the accident. However, some insurance companies will low ball the client and will not take the case seriously unless the case is in court.

What is the fee for the legal services?

The fee for lawyers in New York is governed by New York law.  We charge a contingency fee of 33…